
Running the marathon without a larynx
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  Leo Hartjes cannot raise his voice to his two teenaged sons. It is impossible for him to spit or to laugh loudly. All because his larynx has been removed as a result of throat cancer. But in November, Leo will participate in the New York Marathon, both for himself and for a good cause.

Foto: Ger Loeffen

Running together with Leo Hartjes is a lesson in modesty. If you thought that you were something special, participating in the New York Marathon, a training session with Leo Hartjes will teach you that heroism comes in degrees. And Leo has earned the highest degree, for he will also run the New York Marathon, but the difference is that he has to do this without a larynx. He breathes through an opening right above his breastbone. If he wants to talk, he has to put his hand over the opening, making it impossible for him to breathe for a moment.
In November 2001, the 49-year old inhabitant of Ewijk was diagnosed with throat cancer.

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KWF Kankerbestrijding

Mensen kunnen me sponsoren minimaal voor tien eurocent per kilometer. Voor een hele marathon is dat dan 4 euro 20. De sponsorgelden gaan naar het Koningin Wilhelminafonds, waarvan een derde deel van de opbrengst specifiek naar onderzoek voor keelkanker gaat.

Vragen en Opmerkingen
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Marathon New York ...  IK HEB HET GEHAALD !!!
November is voor ons een speciale maand ...
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Links en Informatie

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